name = "Community Base Addons v3.17.0"; picture = "logo_cba_ca.paa"; actionName = "Website"; action = ""; description = "Bugtracker:
Documentation:"; logo = "logo_cba_ca.paa"; logoOver = "logo_cba_ca.paa"; tooltip = "Community Base Addons"; tooltipOwned = "Community Base Addons Owned"; overview = "What does the name Community Base Addons mean? It is a system that offers a range of features for addon-makers and mission designers. This includes a collection of community-built functions, an integrated keybinding system, and extend event-handler support for compatibility with other 3rd-party addons; and much much more."; author = "CBA Team"; overviewPicture = "logo_cba_ca.paa"; overviewText = "Community Base Addons overviewText"; overviewFootnote = "

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